Psychological Testing Overview

comprehensive psychological testing, psychological evaluation, psychological testing, Bay Area

At The Pratt Center, we specialize in comprehensive psychological testing. We evaluate intelligence, reading, written language, math, attention, anxiety, depression, memory and other areas as appropriate for each student.

Comprehensive psychological testing takes approximately 31 hours of Dr. Pratt's time, of which 10-12 hours is direct testing with the student.

Testing includes the following:

  • Initial video meeting, 50 to 70 minutes

  • Testing sessions, about 10-12 hours of direct testing with the student

  • Scoring of administered tests and rating scales

  • Test protocols and scoring fees

  • Review of school records and previous evaluations

  • Preparation of a detailed written report

  • Final video meeting, 50 to 70 minutes

  • Video school meeting to present results

In completing psychological testing, we promise to...

  1. Have only licensed psychologists with doctoral degrees administer psychological tests

  2. Complete psychological testing of intelligence, academic skills, attention, anxiety, depression, memory and other areas based on the student's needs

  3. Provide a psychological testing report that is thorough and practical

  4. Avoid conflicts of interest and maintain financial independence from schools

  5. Help school staff to understand the student's needs at a school meeting if appropriate

  6. Treat personal information about your family with respect and follow all laws regarding confidentiality

  7. Help you and the student to feel safe and comfortable throughout the psychological testing sessions

  8. Document the student's strengths, accomplishments and interests

  9. Carefully review school records and previous psychological assessments

  10. Administer only the most current psychological tests that match the student's needs

  11. Answer your questions in a thorough, honest and compassionate manner

  12. Document the educational impact of issues on the student's daily life

  13. Respect differences including those based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion and sexual orientation

  14. Work only within our scope of competence and refer to other providers when appropriate

  15. Collaborate with other professionals who work with the student

  16. Maintain all clinical records for seven years or until the student is twenty-five years old, whichever is later